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Short Curriculum Vitae

Dries H. Bostyn

Born in Roeselare, Belgium

Lives & works in Ghent, Belgium


Bostyn, D. H., & Knobe, J. (Under Review). What is common is not blameworthy: How statistical norms impact judgments of blame and praise.
OSF: Data, Materials & Code.


Giner-Sorolla, R., Montoya, A., Reifman, A., Aberson, C., Carpenter, T., Lewis Jr., N., Bostyn, D., Conrique, B., Ng, B., Schoemann, A., Soderberg, C. (2024). Power to Detect What? Considerations for Planning and Evaluating Sample Size, Personality and Social Psychology Review, In Press.

Bostyn, D. H., Chandrashekar, S. P., & Roets, A. (2023). Deontologists are not always trusted over utilitarians: revisiting inferences of trustworthiness from moral judgments. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1665.

OSF: Data, Materials & Code

Paruzel-Czachura, M., Wojciechowska, D., & Bostyn, D.H. (2023). Online Moral Conformity: how powerful is a Group of Strangers when influencing an Individual’s Moral Judgments during a video meeting?. Current Psychology, 1-11. 

Drieghe, L., Roets, A., De keersmaecker, J., Van Hiel, A., & Bostyn, D.H. (2022). Support for freedom of speech and concern for political correctness: The effects of trait emotional intelligence and cognitive ability. Journal of Individual Differences, 44(2).

Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2022). Sequential decision-making impacts moral judgment: How iterative dilemmas can expand our perspective on sacrificial harm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 98, 104244

OSF: Data, Materials & Code

Bostyn, D. H., Roets, A., & Conway, P. (2022). Sensitivity to Moral Principles Predicts Both Deontological and Utilitarian Response Tendencies in Sacrificial Dilemmas. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 13(2), 436-445
OSF: Data, Materials & Code

Van Hiel, A., Onraet, E., Bostyn, D. H., Stadeus, J., Haesevoets, T., Van Assche, J., & Roets, A. (2020). A meta-analytic integration of research on the relationship between right-wing ideological attitudes and aggressive tendencies. European Review of Social Psychology, 31(1), 183-221.

Roets, A., Bostyn, D. H., De keersmaecker, J., Haesevoets, T., Van Assche, J., & Van Hiel, A. (2020). Utilitarianism in minimal‑group decision making is less common than equality‑based morality, mostly harm‑oriented, and rarely impartial. Scientific Reports, 10, 13373. doi: 0.1038/s41598-020-70199-4

Bostyn, D. H., De keersmaecker, J., Van Assche, J., & Roets, A. (2020). Bright Mind, Moral Mind? Intelligence is Unrelated to Consequentialist Moral Judgment in Sacrificial Moral Dilemmas. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 392-397.
OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

De keersmaecker, J., Bostyn, D. H., Van Hiel, A., & Roets (2020). Disliked but free to speak: Cognitive ability is related to supporting freedom of speech for groups across the ideological spectrum. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 1948550619896168.

Van Assche, J., Noor, M., Dierckx, K., Saleem, M., Bouchat, P., de Guissme, L., Bostyn, D. H., Carew, M., Ernst-Vintila, A., & Chao, M. M. (2020). Can Psychological Interventions Improve Intergroup Attitudes Post Terror Attacks? Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi: 1948550619896139

Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2019). Should Trolleys Be Scared of Mice? Replies to Evans and Brandt (2019); Białek, Turpin, and Fugelsang (2019); Colman, Gold, and Pulford (2019); and Plunkett and Greene (2019). Psychological Science, 30(9), 1392-1396.

Haesevoets, T., Van Hiel, A., Van Assche, J., Bostyn, D. H., Reinders Folmer, C. (2019). An exploration of the motivational basis of take-some and give-some games. Judgment and Decision Making, 14(5), 534-546

Roets, A., Bostyn, D. H., Van Assche, J., De keersmaecker, J., & Van Hiel, A. (2019). Generalized ingroup-stereotyping as a response to perceived individual failure. Personality and Individual Differences, 145, 15-18. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.03.012

Bostyn, D. H., Sevenhant, S., & Roets, A. (2018). Beyond physical harm: How preference for consequentialism and primary psychopathy relate to decisions on a monetary trolley dilemma. Thinking & Reasoning, Online First. doi: 10.1080/13546783.2018.1497536

OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

Haesevoets, T., Reinders Folmer, C., Bostyn, D. H., & Van Hiel, A. (2018). Behavioral consistency within the prisoner’s dilemma game: The role of personality and situation. European Journal of Personality, 32(4), 405-426. doi: 10.1002/per.2158

Haesevoets, T., Bostyn, D. H., Reinders Folmer, C., Roets, A., & Van Hiel, A. (2018). Decision-making in the prisoner’s dilemma game: The effect of exit on cooperation and social welfare. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Online First, doi: 10.1002/bdm.2096

Van Hiel A., Van Assche, J., De Cremer, D., Onraet E., Bostyn, D. H., Haesevoets, T., & Roets, A. (2018). Can education change the world? Education amplifies differences in liberalization values and innovation between developed and developing countries. PLOS One, 13(6), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199560

Bostyn, D. H., Sevenhant, S., & Roets, A. (2018). Of mice, men, and trolleys: Hypothetical judgment versus real-life behavior in trolley-style moral dilemmas. Psychological Science, 29(7), 1084-1093, doi: 10.1177/0956797617752640

OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2017). Trust, trolleys and social dilemmas: A replication study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(5), e1. doi: 10.1037/xge0000295

OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2017). An asymmetric moral conformity effect: Subjects conform to deontological but not consequentialist majorities. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(3), 323-330. doi: 10.1177/1948550616671999

OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

De keersmaecker, J., Bostyn, D. H., Fontaine, J.R.J., Van Hiel, A., & Roets, A. (2017). Towards an integrated cognition perspective on ethnic prejudice: An investigation into the role of intelligence and need for cognitive closure. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 9(6), 719-726, doi: 10.1177/1948550617722201

Van Assche, J., Bostyn, D. H., De keersmaecker, J., Dardenne, B., & Hansenne, M. (2017). Intergroup reconciliation between Flemmings and Walloons: The predictive value of cognitive style, authoritarian ideology, and intergroup emotions. Psychologica Belgica, 57(6), 132-155. doi: 10.5334/pb.333

Haesevoets, T., Van Hiel, A., Pandelaere M., Bostyn, D. H., & De Cremer, D. (2017). How much compensation is too much? An investigation of the effectiveness of financial overcompensation as a means to enhance customer loyalty. Judgment and Decision Making, 12(2), 183-197. 

Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2016). The morality of action: The asymmetry between judgments of praise and blame in the action–omission effect.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 19-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2015.11.005

OSF: Data, Materials & Code.

Bostyn, D. H., Roets, A., & Van Hiel, A. (2016). Right-wing attitudes and moral cognition: Are Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation related to utilitarian judgment?. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 164-171. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.006

Van Hiel, A. Roets, A., Van Assche, J., Bostyn, D. H., De keersmaecker, J., Haesevoets, T. Joosten, A., Stadeaus, J., & Onraet, E. (2015). Defining the happiness gap. Science, 348(6240), 1216-1216. doi: 10.1126/science.348.6240.1216-a

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